About us


The Valley Woods Tenant Group are a group of concerned tenants residing in the Valley Woods complex in North York who have come together to familiarize tenants with their rights and responsibilities. We want to ensure that tenants enjoy comfortable rental accommodations and that landlords comply with existing property standards. Hence our main object is to provide useful information to help tenants resolve landlord violations. We also want to inform tenants of the options available to them so they can address any violations of the Residential Tenancies Act that interfere with their quality of life.  To this end we have established Valley Woods Tenant Group.

We encourage you to share our blog site link with friends and neighbours and look forward to hearing from you. We look forward to your comments on any landlord/tenant related issues or problems. All comments are moderated and those considered offensive will either be edited or will not be published.

Please come back and visit us often to check out what tenants have to say about landlord and tenant issues and also for relevant information that will impact tenants.

Valley Woods Tenant Committee:
NOTE – The committee no longer functions. Tenants in Valleywoods who are concerned that regulations outlined in the Residential Tenancies Act are being violated and would like to take over the management of the Valleywoods Tenants Association should send an email to: valleywoodstenantgroup@gmail.com.